Well... the wait is finally over, and i hope you all feel that it was worth it... anyway... one note... this one is a doozy, and if you're like me (a poor soul hooking up to the internet by way of dial-up), you may want to go make some coffee and go run some errands while this baby loads up... it's quite long... and although some of you may notice some of the tricks i used to speed up the creation process and feel that i took the lazy way out (i.e.: Tom Flammer), your homework is to make your own 24 panel comic strip and not use ANY tricks, then let me know how long it took.... i spent at least 12 hours (probably more like 20) making this one, tricks and all.... much more time than i ever intended to spend on one of my stupid little strips, anyway... so, without further ado, here is the new strip (further ado: special thanks to tom for his two-cents on some of the writing).
please enjoy this continuation of the "evil S.O.B." legend...

As some of you may know... i went to a very small Christian high school... (well, baptist high school, anyway, but i won't go into how that's even remotely different right now)... so... my senior year, i was on the yearbook staff... and one of our duties was to create an occasional newspaper for both the high school, and for younger kids who learned stuff in a building next to ours... a guy named Jason Williamson and myself decided we should put a comic strip in there, and so we created this spoof of the wildly popular veggie tales... keep in mind that this was geared towards little kids... so, it's really not incredibly funny or entertaining...
one note: our editor (aka the yearbook "teacher") had some changes she wanted made... first, we could not have the starfruit call our boy, Snork, "stupid"... reasoning: the little kids might decide that "stupid" would be a good name to call each other... my argument: they're probably already calling each other that, and also, the guy saying it is the BAD GUY!!! who wants to be like the bad guy?? what kind of person is this?! anyway... she won that one, and made us change it short... i thought that was stupid... Snork IS short... but, nothing i could say would allow this woman to understand that...
edit number two: when Snork is crying, i used the sound effect "sob" (if you don't know what this means, look it up)... she insisted that people would think it meant S.O.B. (i.e.: Tom Flammer is an evil...) i countered with the wildly popular "get your mind out of the gutter" (or something to that effect). I vehemently refused to change it, because it was ridiculous, and in the end, i won that round....
Anyway... here now is the very first Fruite Tails... although not originally in color, i had used this to practice coloring on my computer... also, i changed "short" back to the original "stupid" ala George Lucas with the special edition star wars (although, i didn't take this opportunity to make my strip suck)
please enjoy this take on what it might be like if fruit could talk....

Anyway... sorry to have gone so long without any new material... i assure you, i am hard at work at thinking about the next one... so for now, here is a sample of some of my older stuff... (also any future lapses will be handled in this manner... old stuff... bwahahah....bwahah... hah.... heheh... heeeehhh... hahh...ha...heheh... heh.... heh.... heheh....whoooo... heh...)
This is a little one-panel comic i did back in march of 2001:

So, some of you may have noticed, but, in case you haven't, it's been a while since i've updated my blog... i want to make it clear that this was not actually my fault (however, i accept full blame for all delays in the past, and for any delays in the foreseeable future).Here's what happened... again, for those who do not know, i do not at this time have a vehicle. i am stranded at home.... it's not so bad, but, because of the reason for which i do not have a vehicle, i was also without internet. because i am without laptop.... ever since i moved back to dial-up, my desktop has not been on the internet. i do not know at which point my previous modem stopped functioning, but it certainly does not now, nor did it a year ago when i moved back here. i had contented myself with only getting online with the lappy, but, now being without lappy, i was stranded at home, and without internet. my only tie to the outside world was the telephone... but, as it turns out, my friends want to talk to me at work when i call them exactly as much as i've wanted to talk to them when they've called me at work.... which is not much... oh, by the way... i am also without cell phone.... not that it would matter, because, as i am stuck at home, a cell phone would be useless, and not only because you don't need a cell phone when you're in a house filled with land-lines.... oh, no... reason number two is because my house is some sort of cellular black hole, disabling all cell phones in an 10 yard radius.
Anyway.... i got a new modem.... i'm using it right now... to be on the internet with.....
so that's pretty much it.... for right now i am the following: stranded, laptopless, portably incommunicado
but at least i can get online.... please enjoy the comic strip below which details another aspect of my plight..... love, dan