Well... we've got a few big events here at Dangharris.... first, I'm an uncle for the first time!... My brother and his wife had their first baby late Saturday night... her name's Elizabeth and for those of interested in the baby's dimensions (weight, length, etc.) i will tell you know: she is small...
Anyway... please enjoy this picture of my niece:
Pretty cute, huh? and look! we even have the same haircut!!
item #2: The trusty dangharris hit counter has reached over 1,000!! i never thought the day would come! Watch out flammer.blogspot.com!!
item #3: In honor of items #1-2, i have two more pieces of dangharris related news that were small enough to be squished into 1 item, thereby allowing me to continue to title this entry "a trio"... news item number one... be on the lookout for a new regular column entitled "Super Karate Monkey Death Car." with any luck, it should be mildly amusing... i am now going to give you, the readers, this one panel preview of the next comic to be appearing in a matter of days right here at dangharris!!
This is the exact art that will be appearing in a panel from the upcoming strip, although, i am showing it to you without any word balloons, narrative text, or sound effects....
this is the second panel from the strip, and it serves as a starting point for the story... a very important plot point is revealed in the panel, and i think you guys will really get a kick out of the endless discussions that could come from seeing it early.
and one further announcement that may upset some of you, but, more likely, based on recent comic strip reactions, delight most of you... as some of you know, i have been working a little bit on the art for a children's book written by a local author from Mason... now, with all the stuff happening here and at the hospital lately, i have not had as much time to dive into the book yet as i was hoping, so, more than likely, comic strip production for this blog will decline for a few months... hopefully, i will continue to put up some quality work in the written word department, or, with the author's consent, maybe some of the artwork from the book.... i haven't spoken to him about that yet, and will have to get back to you guys about it... could be some legal issues that we would have to worry about... but, the bottom line is, i want to do this book right, and give it the proper amount of attention that it deserves... so, after the strip that the following panel will preview, and one more that i have in the pipes, that will most likely be it for a time... (however, you can always look forward to the occasional "Super Karate Monkey Death Car" (more on this later))
So, now, with thanks for making us a site that has been visited a minimum of 1,000 times.... please enjoy this teaser trailer for a new comic strip...